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How Do I Make Mentioning A Member Optional Within A Command?

I've created a code that sends the gif of a hug on command and specifies who it's to, however, I also want to make it optional to mention a member. the current code is:

Solution 1:

You can define your member argument to None by default. If you invoke your command without mentionning anyone, member will have None as value and the if member statement won't be triggered.

Also, by defining member as a Member object in the function's arguments, you'll be able to access the mentionned member's informations.

Here's how you use it :

@client.command()asyncdefhug(ctx, member: discord.Member = None):
    if member:
        embed = discord.Embed(title=f'{} has sent a hug to {member}!',
                              description='warm, fuzzy and comforting <3',
        embed = discord.Embed(color=0x83B5E3)
        image = random.choice([(url1), (url2),....(url10)])


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