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(python) Matplotlib Animation Doesn't Show

I wrote the following code based on the matplotlib site example. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation fig = plt.figure() nFr

Solution 1:

The problem is you are defining a plot initially with a single colour (1.0) so the colour range is set to this. When you update the figure, the range of colours is 1.0 +- some small value so you don't see the change. You need to set the colour range to between one and zero with vmin/vmax arguments as follows:

im = plt.imshow(viewport, animated=True, vmin=0., vmax=1.)

The rest of the code stays the same and this should work as expected. Another alternative is to add the call,


after im.set_array(viewpoint) to force the colour range to be updated each time.

Solution 2:

The imshow plot is initialized with one single value (1 in this case), so any value normalized to the range between 1 and 1 becomes the same color.

In order to change this, you may

  1. initiate the imshowplot with limits for the color (vmin=0, vmax=1).
  2. initiate the imshow plot with a normalization instance

    norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1)
    im = plt.imshow(arr, norm=norm)
  3. Set the limits afterwards using im.set_clim(0,1).

Solution 3:

Preferences > IPython Console > Graphics > Backend and change it from "Inline" to "Automatic"

Do not forget to restart you IDE (Spyder, PyCharm, etc.) after applying above change.



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