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How To Force Numpy Array Order To Fortran Style?

I am using quite a lot of fortran libraries to do some mathematical computation. So all the arrays in numpy need to be Fortran-contiguous. Currently I accomplish this with

Solution 1:

Use optional argument order='F' (default 'C'), when generating numpy.array objects. This is the way I do it, probably does the same thing that you are doing. About number 2, I am not aware of setting default order, but it's easy enough to just include order optional argument when generating arrays.

Solution 2:

Regarding question 2: you may be concerned about retaining Fortran ordering after performing array transformations and operations. I had a similar issue with endianness. I loaded a big-endian raw array from file, but when I applied a log transformation, the resultant array would be little-endian. I got around the problem by first allocating a second big-endian array, then performing an in-place log:


In your case you would allocate b with Fortran ordering.

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