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How To Remove \r\n In Command Prompt After Running?

Whenever I run the code. it gives me \r\n with spaces. I used strip function but it didn't work. How to resolve this issue? Here is the link:\ import scrapy

Solution 1:

strip() can remove \r\n only at the end of string, but not inside. If you have \r\n inside text then use text = text.replace(\r\n', '')

it seems you get \r\n in list created by extract() so you have to use list comprehension to remove from every element on list

data = response.css(find).extract()
data = [x.replace('\r\n', '').strip() for x indata]
items[name] = data

EDIT: to remove spaces and \r\n between sentences you can split('\r\n') to create list with sentences. then you can strip() every sentence. And you can ' '.join() all sentences back to one string.

text = 'Sentence 1\r\n    Sentence 2'data = text.split('\r\n')
data = [x.strip() for x indata]
text = ' '.join(data)


The same in one line

text = 'Sentence 1\r\n    Sentence 2'

text = ' '.join(x.strip() for x in text.split('\r\n'))


The same with module re

import re

text = 'Sentence 1\r\n    Sentence 2'text = re.sub('\r\n\s+', ' ', text)


for name, find in zip(names.values(), finder.values()):
    data = response.css(find.strip()).extract()
    data = [re.sub('\r\n\s+', ' ', text) for text in data]
    items[name] = data

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